Monday, July 8, 2013

Excerpts from my journal (a linkup with Rhonda Mason)

Lately I was inspired by Rhonda Mason of Pink Ronnie to take my daily journalling more seriously by giving it extra thought; actually forming proper sentences and constructing a prose instead of noting events down in bullet form before drifting off to sleep. Yep, I actually type quick notes / journal in my phone when I'm lying on my bed in the dark.

Here we go ...

I've been on enough trips to know that the camera cannot capture what the eyes take in, and photographs will not trigger the emotions that I experienced when I first saw whatever I did, they will only call to mind memories of the emotions. I think from now I will try and enjoy the sights more than spend time taking frantic photos. And avoid going on tours so I can have the luxury of time to do both.

Yun (my best dance friend): "You didn't dance and you're eating at macdonalds?!"
T: "so who's your best dance friend now huh huh huh?"

Also got my first card commission today! From Y, who sees me making cards every other night, and says I should make a business out of it :p I charged him (a really cheap price), and he said "you do know cards at Hallmark cost around $10 right? and yours is handmade". I laughed and said, "never mind you're my friend". We chose a design and some paper together and I'm all set to create my first card commission - big grin -.

I want to make my journal excerpts a constant thing! In the hopes that it will motivate me to keep writing. Also, it might be something different, more personal, than the project life / crafty posts! If I do, I might need a blog title change :p

Thanks for hanging around! For more journalling inspiration, you could visit Rhonda's blog, I really love her excerpts :)

1 comment:

  1. Congrats on your first card commission Esther!
    So glad you linked up.
    ronnie xo
